We put your employer brand in the spotlight with custom produced corporate wear

Wholesale Merch hoodie with logo print on the chest? You can do it, but you don't have to: With Hoodie Hoo you can create unique corporate clothing, including custom labels, modern cuts, and high-quality finishes. Increase the identification of your employees with your brand with this exceptional gift.
Join over 100+ corporate customers:
Happy customers

Corporate wear for Knowunity in fashion quality

With Hoodie Hoo you can replace your cheap merchandise with custom fashion products that your employees also like to wear in their free time.
Custom dyed cords + cord ends
Engraved hoodie eyelets with "Knowunity"
Individual neck- and hem labels
Premium emboridery und silicon injection
Dashboard mockup

Your advantages at Hoodie Hoo

Service is in our DNA. Hoodie Hoo is your reliable production partner.

Low minimum purchase quantities

Fully customized fashion in a modular kit system from 75 pieces final order (free size distribution).

Fast delivery times

Fast delivery in <20 days to Germany also allows handling of pre-order drops.

Simple sample production

Physical samples within 7-10 days. Exclusive to Hoodie Hoo: 360-degree digital photo release directly from production.

Excellent design service

Fast arrangements with German design and support team, as well as contact persons on site at any time with direct influence on production.

Open door principle

Our production is located in closely to the ADB airport in Izmir. Feel free to visit us on site and film in the production process.

Billing via German company

Security in the entire order order and billing flow thanks to processing via German company.
Our production facility

Hoodie Hoo operates its own textile production in Izmir

Wir betreiben unsere eigene Textilproduktion in Izmir unter deutschem Management. Dadurch haben wir direkten Einfluss auf die Sicherstellung von Sozial-, Umwelt- und Arbeitsstandards. Durch die Kombination von eigener Produktion, Software-Entwicklung und eigenem Design-Team in Essen ermöglichen wir maximale Transparenz, schnelle Lieferzeiten und geringe Mindestebestellmengen.
Ein moderner Produktionsansatz
Schnelle Lieferzeiten, kleine Mindestmengen, deutsches Designteam und digitales Tracking.
Content im Fokus
Neu bei uns wird die Produktion von einem eigenen 
Content-Team für Social-Media-Shots begleitet.
Open-Door Prinzip
Besucht uns und unsere Lieferanten jederzeit vor Ort, 
und nimmt eure Community mit in den Prozess.
Nachhaltigkeit (GOTS zertifiert)
Transparente Lieferketten, faire Löhne, private soziale Sozialversicherung für Alle und klimatisierte Hallen.

Get in touch and let's get started

Describe your project and we will get back to you as soon as possible!